sup fuckers

my drawing of Kryoz

about me

current shit

basic shit

  • Mason / Atlas

  • Minor

  • Mexican

  • Non-Binary (Demiboy)

  • Any Pronouns

  • Unlabeled (any gender)

  • PST

  • Artist (i guess idk)

  • Pronouns Page ˅

old shit

former names/twitter @'s

  • Jay

  • @yeetmyfeelsaway

  • @lunchettesclub

  • @hugboxEVIL

extra shit for fun lol

  • Leo

  • INTP

  • Neutral Evil

my interests

i tried to group them up at first and gave up so heres various ccs i watch lol.

Bold means I actively watch, normal text is shit I casually watch and italics is occasional

  • cscoop

  • traves

  • Ted Nivison

  • Slimecicle

  • TheDooo

  • Pokay

  • BeefStew

  • Krinios

  • sxgrloaf

  • Dergie

  • Ashdog

  • SimplyRobinson

  • iNoToRiOuS

  • SovietWomble

  • iRushTheWorld

  • UNDRSCRMason (HES BACK???)

  • Miqzah

  • BoofDelivery

  • Krtzyy

  • 69sam420

  • JOKO

  • VexioVEVO

  • Blarg

  • Soup

  • Chromez

  • ElasticDroid

  • BigPuffer

  • SMii7Y

  • Kryoz

  • RaccoonEggs

  • JC The Caster


  • Jaayy

  • Bizly

  • McNasty

  • ItsGeoff

  • Wozenz

  • Pezzy

  • Tuxy

  • Grizzy


Disclaimers & DNI


  • I talk about SMPRonpa every once in a while (tagged)

  • I talk about SMPlive every once in a while (tagged)

  • I talk about CallMeCarson if he does some bullshit again or if he's somehow involved in a thing I'm talking about (tagged)

  • There are times I will shit on Dream (untagged but i can tag it as "[name] dont look]" if you want just dm about it so i can remember to)

  • I don't really like most of mcyttwt so I probably won't follow you back if you main it (nothing against the good ones i just really couldnt fucking care bout mcyts + some of yall weird and remind me of smptwt)

  • I tend to bring back old smptwt shit (it'll be tagged whatever it needs to be but if you dont wanna see old shit from there then here's your warning)

  • I don't usually talk about cc neg but if i do i usually don't tag it since I tend to forget but feel free to DM me what ccs you want me to tag and I can either do "// [cc] neg" or just "// [name] don't look"

  • same goes for cc trigger tags, just DM me the people you want me to tag and I'll make a list somewhere to remind myself + sometimes i cant find peoples carrd's/they don't have their triggers listed and i cant skim through everyone's accounts since i follow nearly 1k people

  • If you're gonna QRT me and say death threats or whatever the fuck it better be a public QRT you little bitch


  • If you're in poppytwt

  • If you're in fltwt

  • If you're an IRL shipper

  • If you sexualize CCs (including the ones who are okay with it)

  • If you break CCs boundaries

  • If you think MAPs are valid (they're fucking pedophiles)

  • If you think animals can consent to sex (you're fucking weird)

  • If you send death threats because someone likes a CC you don't

  • Racists, Sexists, Homophobes, shit like that (suffer)

  • If you think NBs aren't real/are faking it (why are you on my page if you don't think I'm valid lmfao)

  • If you think someone being unlabeled is just straight trying to look special

  • If you think people are straight until said/proven otherwise (if they haven't said anything about it don't call them unlabeled either, just say it's undisclosed)

  • If you misgender people when you're mad/think someone needs to earn your respect to be correctly gendered (rot in hell)

  • If you call people slurs you can reclaim in a demeaning way (you're still using it as a way to insult or demean someone, I don't fucking care you can reclaim you're still an asshole)